Should You Use VR and AR for Your Next Event?

Should You Use AR and VR For Your Next Event?

Have you ever attended an event where the event producers passed out virtual reality goggles to an eager audience? Have you ever gotten your mind blown with an impressive augmented reality display that you’ll never forget?

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are the latest wow-inducing perks to hit the event circuit – and the impressions they can make on your attendees is so memorable, that you just might want to consider this technology at your next conference, banquet, or occasion.

But is AR and VR technology really worth it? Below, we’ll look at some of the pros and cons of AR and VR tech for events so you can decide for yourself. But first, what are AR and VR in the first place?

The Difference Between VR and AR

Virtual reality (VR) requires different physical devices – like headgear and sometimes gloves and other sensory stimulation devices – to take you into a different world and trick your brain and your senses into believing you’re actually there.

Augmented reality (AR) creates a digital overlay on top of the real world. The audience doesn’t need to use any kind of VR goggles or special equipment to experience the AR reality. Projection mapping is a good example of AR – where images are projected on walls to create a digitally “augmented” experience of reality for the onlookers.

The Pros of VR and AR Technology for Events

Let’s start on a positive note by exploring the pros of AR and VR technology.

It’s More Accessible Now Than Ever Before

VR technology used to be unimaginably expensive with VR headsets costing approximately $40,000 a piece, but now it’s so affordable that a pair of VR goggles costs less than a smartphone. 

As the director of the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford, Jeremy Bailenson, points out:

“…in 2013 we had a $40,000 headset, and there were only a few hundred in the world. Now, there are 20 million sets in the U.S.” 

Of course, you won’t be buying any of this equipment yourself. Rather, what cheaper VR equipment means is that VR services providers you work with can rent the appropriate equipment to you -- and provide their VR services at a much lower price point. Augmented reality is also much cheaper than it used to be. For example, many companies are offering affordable projection-mapping experiences to events, and these firms have a range of options that can fit most budgets. 

Potential for Free Viral Social Media Publicity

If you create a VR or AR experience that goes viral on the internet, it will create enormous amounts of free PR, word of mouth, and inspire visitors to return to your events.  

According to On Services:

“The data shows that event organizers who use projection mapping for their promotions may achieve far higher social media sharing numbers and gain significant traction online.”

Ultimately, the more impressive your VR/AR displays, the more PR and online marketing you’ll receive, and the more you’ll grow awareness of your event and brand throughout the world. 

The Cons of VR and AR at Events

Now let’s explore some of the potential challenges of AR and VR presentations:

VR and AR Presentations Need to Be Good 

If your VR and AR presentations don’t leave a lasting impression, there won’t be the intended return on investment. Therefore, you need to contract a reliable VR/AR company that has proved itself by delivering impressive shows for other audiences.

As Tomas Trescak points out in his recent Fast Company article about VR’s potential to be “as boring as real life”:

"Another problem is that despite the near-limitless potential of VR, many current offerings are sorely lacking in imagination. The prevailing trend is to create VR versions of existing content such as games, videos, or advertisements, in the hope of delivering extra impact. This does not work, in much the same way that a radio play would make terrible television.”

The Technology Can Be Terrifying for Some

Event producers need to remember that not everyone in the audience will be psychologically ready to cope with the intensity of a VR/AR experience. Attendees must be prepared to leave their current “reality” behind and enter into the virtual one you’ve created.

Keep the following in mind about the needs of your audience during an VR/AR presentation:

  • Attendees may have to forget about being able to watch their belongings, personal electronics and other valuables.

  • Some attendees could experience vertigo, headaches and other side-effects of life in VR/AR.

  • Participants could also experience fear, anxiety or stress as a result of the virtual experience.

Are You Considering a VR or AR Presentation at Your Next Event?

At Magic Box @ The Reef, we provide event services to assist with all of your event needs in the Downtown Los Angeles area. We also work with the best vendors for all types of event-related services. If you’re interested in building exciting (and safe) VR/AR presentations into your next event, we can help you manage this part of your occasion to ensure it’s an absolute success.  
